b.safe Space-saving Caps - Benefits
The special clou of b.safe Space-saving Caps: their lateral threads for the connection of capillary tubing and the air valve. Thus the installation height can be easily reduced if the available space is limited in regards to the height.
With the cap made of robust PP-GF and the chemically highly resistant PTFE insert, b.safe Caps can be sterilized and autoclaved and easily cleaned in the dishwasher.
The ergonomic design and eroded surfaces offer stable grip for gloved hands.
Through their freely movable insert, they can be easily screwed without disarranging the connected capillaries.
A Viton® O-Ring provides tight sealing at the closure through compensation of possible production tolerances on the bottle neck. A special sealing lip made of PTFE isolates it from the vapour space. This solution is thermally and chemically highly resilient and offers a low installation height.