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The advantages of our caps for removing solvents Caps - Benefits

The new Caps are very robust and form a perfect unit for solvent extraction, together with Fittings and an Air Valve. They can be sterilized and autoclaved up to 200 °C and offer optimal chemical resistance. Caps can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher.

Through their freely movable PTFE insert, they can be easily screwed even with inserted capillaries.

The ergonomic design and eroded surfaces offer stable grip for glove hands. Inclined threads guarantee intuitive insertion, more space on the PTFE insert and a better overview. Tubes can be inserted safely and without bending into the bottle.

Viton® O-Ring provides tight sealing at the closure through compensation of possible production tolerances. A special sealing lip made of PTFE isolates it from the vapour space. This solution is thermally and chemically highly resilient and offers a low installation height. Caps - Benefits


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