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GKV‐Code of Conduct

for the plastics processing industry at BOHLENDER

The GKV represents the majority of plastics processing companies in Germany through its member associations. The member companies expressly acknowledge their social responsibility as part of their business activities (Corporate Social Responsibility). This GKV Code of Conduct is a voluntary agreement with which the member companies aim to ensure compliance with global requirements for ethical and moral conduct in particular, as well as the requirements of proper conduct under competition and antitrust law (compliance).

This also means promoting fair and sustainable standards in dealings with suppliers and customers as well as the company's own employees. The recognizing companies inform their employees at regular intervals about the ethical objectives and principles of conduct of this Code of Conduct. In addition, they strive to ensure that suppliers are also guided by these contents. The GKV Code of Conduct is designed as a voluntary commitment. Participating companies are certified by the GKV or its supporting associations.


GKV‐Code of Conduct for the plastics processing industry at BOHLENDER
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