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The advantages of our caps with Ground Joint Caps with Ground Joint - Benefits Caps with Ground Joint NS29/32 are especially made for the direct extraction of solvents from flasks with ground joint NS29/32. The threaded ports on the top can be used to connect a Air Valve and up to two capillary tubes.

The robust ground joint body made of PTFE with sealing rings on the outside of the cone for a tight closure. To prevent glass break due to a stuck connection, Caps with Ground Joint are equipped with a loosening nut. By turning the nut the stuck body is lifted without any effort and can easily be removed. The ergonomic design of the knurled handle offers stable grip for gloved hands.

Inclined threads (UNF 1/4”) guarantee intuitive insertion of Fittings and Air Valve and offer more space on the PTFE insert for a better overview. Tubes can be inserted into the bottle safely and without being bent. Caps with Ground Joint  - Benefits

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