b.safe Exhaust Filters for Barrels - Benefits
Protect yourself from harmful vapours that escape from waste barrels by using b.safe Exhaust Filters for Barrels. With a big inner adsorption surface and low dust formation, the activated carbon binds all toxic substances reliably without clumping and releases only pure air to the environment. Depending on the barrel capacity, you can choose between to exhaust filter sizes: Size XL for barrels with a capacity of 60 up to 100 litres and size XXL for barrels bigger than 100 litres. The service life of 9 to 12 months depends on the filter size. Just use the big label field on the lid to note the exchange date individually. The filter housing in PE provides good chemical resistance and stability. Besides the ventilation opengings, the lid is equipped with functional gripping grooves for an easy installation of the filter.